Thursday, January 23, 2014


It's been a long time, friends. I have clearly abandoned this little corner of the internet...for 6 MONTHS!!! Wow. I have missed it. Kind of. Mostly I miss the chance to document our little family's life, for our own ability to reminisce and for our loved ones to follow along. Oh, I've taken loads of photos and thought of dozens of blog posts. And then the photos sit on my camera until my memory card is full and I am forced to upload them.

Excuses, I have excuses. :) Aislinn is doing AMAZING. And so our life is busy in a new, beautiful, blessed way. We have so much appreciation for her life and pinch ourselves each day over how lucky we are to have such a sweet, cute, spunky little girl. Ronan is 3 and awesome as always. "Three" comes with it's own set of craziness, but we have lots of fun, frustration, tears and laughs with him. In September we found out baby number 3 is on the way. Surprise! We always planned on growing our family, eventually, but God's timing is perfect timing so that makes it extra exciting. :)

Then we went and listed our house for sale that same week. Because we're crazy like that. It had been in the works for months and with the news that our family was growing, it seemed right to keep the ball rolling. Our cute little place sold in under 3 weeks and after many sleepless nights wondering if we would find something suitable to move into before we closed our house, we finally did. It's the perfect place for our family (lots of space!) and for me to flex my interior design muscles (lots of updating!).  Needless to say, the past few months have been FULL!!! Overall, we are thankful to count 2013 as a year of many, many blessings, but we are looking forward to a year of settling in and finding a new "normal" as a family of 5. :)  I hope that allows me to get back into blogging more regularly. My goal is at least weekly. I promise. For now. :)

So, no pics for today, otherwise this post would never happen. But you can check out our recent happenings and follow along on instagram:  (Which, not so coincidentally I started using around the same time I abandoned the blog...)