Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Oh, hello. How are you? Enjoying the last bits of summer? We have been SO busy this past month (hence the lack of blog posts)! Collectively, we have been in Clarkston, California, Kennewick, Seattle and finally moving back home to Spokane. Throw in a baby shower, dr. appts., having family in town, catching up on a summer's worth of play dates, and most importantly, Patrick's graduation (!!!!!) and we have been non-stop since we landed back here in Spokane. 

I will catch up with some photos from those events and link you to them.  But for now, here are some pics of our sweet babes just hanging out today. Ronan was a little stinker today, he's not feeling well, and one of the only things that calmed him down was holding his baby sister.  So sweet. They really seem to adore and entertain each other.  Aislinn is changing every day. Sometimes I look at her and think she looks completely different than she did the day before. She's getting so big and interactive!

first smiles together caught on film!

tickle, tickle, tickle

Ronan has become attached to his baby doll since Aislinn was born. I think he is looking forward to having Aislinn as a playmate, but for now the baby doll stands in her place. She (baby doll) likes to ride motorcycles, play catch, and tonight she "poot" (pooped) and we had to change her diaper. Incidentally, Aislinn had actually pooped too, so maybe he was trying to tell me something??  He likes to "cheers" anything that's 2 of a kind, which includes baby doll and Aislinn. So as Aislinn played on her blanket, he "cheers"ed her with the baby doll and wanted to make sure they laid together. Funny that his baby doll and my baby doll look so similar today...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Aislinn | 2 months

Aislinn celebrated her 2 month birthday in Disneyland! Lucky girl.  Hopefully big brother doesn't hold it against her that she got to go to Disneyland first.  :)

We just can't believe that it has already been 2 months!  With so much business going on, the time seems to be flying by. She is such a sweet addition to the family. Toward the end of the month she started interacting so much more with us, which is just the best. I love seeing the recognition of me in her eyes. She definitely has a sweet spot for mama. :)

We started her on tummy time this month. Unlike her big brother, Aislinn actually likes it. He used to flail his arms and legs around, but she tucks her arms under her and uses her feet almost like an army crawl. And she already rolled over (tummy to back) at 5 weeks. It has not been a consistent thing, but I still think she's going to be a mover-she has places to go and people to keep up with!

She slept through the night on her 6 week birthday!!! I'm talking 11:00pm-7:45am!!! Sleep is amazing. She did this only one other time this month, so I guess it's a fluke. I'm not complaining though as she has started consistently sleeping a 5 hour stretch, eating for 10 minutes then sleeping another 3 or 4 hours. I can handle that!

Aislinn's 2 month appointment was a couple of days after we got home. She weighed in at 8 lbs 11oz and measured 22 1/2 inches long.  She had her first set of shots and was a trooper - just cried a bit, but did great the rest of the day. These photos were taken the next day.  And in case you're wondering, yes, her hair is turning red! It really started changing colors this month as it starts to grow back in (comparing newborn photos to now, I'm pretty sure she lost some hair and now it is coming back in with a definite red tone).

If you are curious, you can compare Aislinn's 2 month photos to Ronan's here.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fun in the Sun

I've got some great pictures for you tonight (we were a little trigger happy!).  We got to spend Sunday evening at the aquatic center with my parent's church. It's pretty sweet - they rent it out for the evening and everyone gets in free. What a great way to minister to families in the church!  It was a gorgeous night and we had a wonderful time.  Ronan is getting so brave in the water. He was a little hesitant a month ago, so it is so awesome to see him getting more comfortable in the water. He even went in without requesting that we hold his hand. I love to watch him learn and grow!

love. love. love this one

making a break for it

this is his "woohoohoohoo" face (meaning "brrrrrrrrr, it's cold)

warming up with "Hammy"
not sure what's up with this Frankenstein walk ;)

"hi Hammy!"
hi handsome

Aislinn was loving her time at the water park.  She is changing so much these past couple of weeks and really starting to stay alert and enjoy interacting with us. She is especially happy right after she eats; ready to play and talk. She was making so many faces at the camera, I couldn't narrow down the options to show you. :)

we get this look a lot. I love it 
this is my favorite. even though i cut off the top of her head :)
time to go :)