Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me

Millions of peaches, peaches for free...I wish that part of the song was true. They weren't free, but there were seemingly millions of peaches at Greenbluff last weekend. (Sidenote: everytime I hear that song, I immediately become a tween again on the road somewhere between Hermiston and Kennewick, staring out the window, watching not much of anything pass by. Random!)  It was the Peach Festival last weekend so we decided we better check it out.  I'm not sure exactly what that entails as we were either at the wrong farm or missed the festivities. No matter to us though, it was a beautiful day and we had a great time picking peaches, eating ice cream and hanging out with the Enslows.  We spent our afternoon at High Country Orchard.  If you've never been to High Country, you should check it out! They have cherries, raspberries, blackberries, plums, peaches and probably more I don't even know about. You can even have a ride out to the orchard if you choose - probably the highlight for Ronan. They have a super cute set up with a great gift shop, a little bistro, two sets of outdoor playsets for the kids and sometimes even live music.

Luckily we snapped a few shots before our camera ran out of juice!

I was going to crop the driver out, but he just makes me laugh so I couldn't do it

looooove Greenbluff. I think I could live there someday. :)

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