Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ronan's Wild Rumpus - Part II

We have such an amazing support system of family and friends and we were so blessed that they could help us celebrate Ronan's first birthday. We had about 30 people squished into our living room and kitchen. It was great!  Thank you everyone for coming! And a super special thank you to the awesome people who helped me get the last of the food ready before the party and who help clean up!!! :)

The birthday boy could sense the excitement and so did not nap AT ALL that day.  Considering that, he did really well during his party. He was so tired, but obviously enjoyed having everyone here and being the center of attention.  He really did not know what to make of his birthday cake, the burning candle or the paparazzi taking his photo.  He kind of looked at us like "what do you want me to do with this thing?" We stuck his fingers in the cake, but he wasn't impressed. He did like feeding it to daddy though. :)

crowned king of all the wild things

Howdy partner

Ro hit the sack pretty early and as an extra special birthday present to his mom, he let me rock him to sleep (so rare).  He was so zonked out, I got this picture right after I put him down.

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