Thursday, December 8, 2011


We may need to change Ronan's name to Trouble. He has certainly found plenty of it lately. Sometimes I really don't blame him. A Christmas tree full of bright lights, shiny balls and silver ribbon...he really can't help himself. And the cat's water is so much fun to play in. I'm glad he likes water and all, but seriously. At least my floor gets mopped more (in that spot at least!). His latest adventures now involve climbing.  He can get up on the couch (a former safe spot for our things), the footstool, anything resembling steps. Which is how he ended up on top of the hope chest with a great view out our front window. We had left a box next to the front door and it was just the boost he needed to get up :)  I snapped a few photos because it was cute, but now we're working on what is ok to climb on, sitting on your bottom, not touching the Christmas tree or the cat's water, stopping when asked, etc. I don't mind these things. Oh we have our days, but I love watching our 13 month old explore his world.

1 comment: said...

So cute! It's going to be so wonderful for you to read back through these posts some day. :)