Oh boy, the stomach flu hit our household this week. Ro was the first victim and I fell about a day later (let's pray Patrick was skipped entirely!). It was nasty, nasty stuff and I'm really glad it's pretty much behind us. It was my first adventure into the world of having a sick kiddo-outside of a cold-and I've always wondered how I would handle it. I guess it's true that when the time comes, you just do what you have to do. There were a couple of funny moments, I'll spare you the details, and all in all I had a surprisingly positive outlook. At least until it hit me, but by then Ronan was feeling better-thank you Lord! We all know how awful it is to be sick, so instead of dwelling on that, here's my "silver lining" list (I thought a lot about these things this week, or tried to anyway)
1. Sick baby = Extra Snuggly Baby. By far the best moment of my year so far was Ronan crawling up on my lap right after breakfast. Thirty minutes of snuggles was followed by 80 perfect minutes of holding my sleeping baby, studying his sweet face and sneaking soft kisses. Most of you know that this is unheard of with our active, social child! I haven't had him sleep in my arms like that since he was a newborn. It's the best
2. Sunshine. It was nice to have a few rays of sun in the house instead of a grey sky adding to the dreariness.
3. All soft surfaces were spared :) And as an bonus, my floors are extra clean now.
4. Ronan was hit first while I was still feeling good. I'm so thankful I was able to fully take care of him, comfort him, clean and do laundry before I was affected the next day.
5. Patrick ended up not being on call Wednesday night, thank goodness! He cared for me in every way I needed while also making sure Ronan was taken care of. Unfortunately he did have to take call the next night, which really was not cool. But seriously, I'm so thankful it was not Wednesday.
6. Movie days. We watched our first cartoon together (Cars 2) and I caught up on a couple I've been wanting to see. Ro was feeling good by this time, so I felt a little bad that all I could do was lay on the couch, but he's so good at entertaining himself. And he was still pretty snuggly :)
7. Dare I say, weight loss? It would have been best for me not to lose the weight, but I know it was all water weight and it will find its way back in the next few days.
8. It was a good thing we had no desire to join the land of the living, because I found out my car battery was dead! This was while Patrick was gone for a couple of days. I know I could have called nearby friends for help, but seriously, we weren't getting off the couch anyway!
Ro went through all of his jammies in one day. I came back from the laundry to find him reading in his rocking chair! So sweet |
Ro loves playing hide and seek and finding new nooks to hide within. His favorite hiding spot is on the side of the fire place. I love when kids are this age and think they can't be seen just because they can't see you :)