Saturday, January 12, 2013


Aislinn gobbled up her first real, non-cereal food. She's been doing so well with rice cereal and oatmeal cereal, but I wasn't sure how well she would like food with more flavor. "They" say a baby will typically eat just a couple bites of a new food you are introducing, so I made up a couple of 1/2 cup serving of peas and she LOVED them. As in, between her first two meals today, they are almost gone. So I guess I'll be heading back to the kitchen. This baby girl sure loves her food! This is great, maybe we can fatten her up a little bit. :)

Oh and if I turn my back for a minute to attend to Ronan, I turn around to her feeding herself with the spoon (despite the fact that I put it out of her reach...or so I thought).

What?! She's growing up so fast!

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