Sunday, February 9, 2014

Our Week | 2.3-2.9.2014

This week is not one we will want to remember, though unfortunately we probably will. We all fought a long slow battle with a stomach bug. Yuck. Let's move on...

At the end of the week the kids were feeling better, but I was still out of sorts and it was so stinkin' cold. So we had a little indoor picnic. :) So simple, but they just loved it. And to top it off, a sweet friend had brought us cupcakes so we enjoyed an extra treat. Cupcakes top Ronan's list of faves so you better believe he was happy. :)

Every time Aislinn sees her sweater, she sings "fa say? da da da." We finally caved and showed them the infamous "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)" video a few weeks ago. They LOVED it and still sing it. I love that she made the connection.

Ronan loves his grey pants these days. First pants he put a hole in! I am strangely excited about this, but it's like a right of passage into boyhood. I'm sure that will wear off a few more holey pairs down the road. ;)

Proud of his new skill sitting cross-legged.

Watching snow fall

Getting as close to the action as possible

Our sweet little picnic was topped off by a jam session. Does it get any better?

always so serious when playing

Today we finally had the chance to get outside and enjoy the fresh snow. And it was 25 degrees, which compared to earlier this week, was practically a heat wave! We pulled the kids down to the park and had a blast. I didn't want to bring my camera, so I just got a few shots before we left.


Anonymous said...

Loving this blog..thanks Nikki

LGM said...

Loving this blog..thanks Nikki