[so this is being posted a little late:) I wrote it and took the pictures a couple of weeks ago]
9 months. Wow. I feel like we're inching closer and closer to a year. Well we are I guess. Each month passes so quickly. But it is so fun!
This month seems to be full of changes. Do I say that every month? Ronan is so close to crawling! He gets up on all fours, sometimes in a plank position, some time rocking back and forth on his knees. He gets very frustrated at his inability to get to a toy or person out of his reach. We know someday soon he will be on the move and we will have some serious babyproofing to do.
As I've mentioned before, Ronan will eat just about anything. He really isn't a fan of banana's (odd, I thought every baby loves bananas) but he'll eat almost anything else: cheerios, fish, beets, egg, broccoli, beans, lots of applesauce, cheese, yogurt, bites of our sandwhich (really just the bread). He must have set some kind of teething record because he got a new tooth almost every week this month. Ouch! Luckily it seems to have slowed down and we're back onto a good sleep schedule this last week.
He is an incredibly social kid. Loves, LOVES all of my bible study gals. Loves his family and of course LOVES his daddy. That's a lot of love. People really seem to make him happy. He enjoys interacting with everyone and almost seems put out if a stranger in the store ignores him. So he likes attention, but who doesn't right...
So here are some pictures we took on our Manito picnic. We just love this little guy and how much fun he is. We get comments all the time about how happy he is. It's true. We are blessed with a very adaptable, loving, happy baby. Combined with great health, I really couldn't ask for anything more!
We found this great rock wall below the rose garden. There was one last sliver of the setting sun. Ronan liked feeling the texture and also gave some great smiles for daddy.
Classic wrinkle-nose smile |