Monday, August 29, 2011


Ronan has discovered how much fun the backyard is. He loves to explore the patio and crawl up and down the pathway.  We were enjoying a beautiful Sunday morning before church and I had to abandon my first sips of coffee to capture these sweet photos. There is nothing I love more than those cute little buns just shaking side to side as he crawls away waiting to be chased. Chase is his favorite game right now. He turns and waits to see if we're coming, like this first photo shows.

come catch me mom!

loves this spot squished between the path and the fence

Going after the dog, who most often walks away

Today he mastered the stairs. Going up at least.

I turned the sprinklers on before we headed inside for naptime.  First photo: being hit with the water (really didn't mind). Second photo: what's a little water? Third photo: NOT happy to be rescued and cleaned up.


Random photo, just because I like it :) I spray painted a few spent allium flower heads. I think I'm going to paint some more when the weather turns.