You know that
super excited- anxious - I drank too much coffee - ate too much sugar - can't sleep - can't think about anything else - feeling you get before a big event? Like when you were a kid on Christmas Eve. Or like the day before your wedding or a loved one's wedding. Or when a dear friend or sister is about to have a baby. They are laboring in the hospital and you know within a matter of hours their entire life will be changed. And you just can't wait for that moment.
You kind of feel like this:
I feel that way today. I can hardly stand it. Our
dear friends are about to meet their babies! They are not pregnant and they are not in a hospital. Right now they are in Africa, in their beds trying to get to sleep one last time before they get to meet their children. After 2 1/2 years of prayers, waiting, tears, hope and faith,
TODAY (our time, tomorrow for them) they will get to hold and love on their son and daughter for the very first time!!! I'm so excited for them know that this moment is just hours away. I can't even imagine how they feel right now. I'm guessing they won't be getting a lot of sleep! I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep!
I wish I could be a fly on the wall in that orphanage. I can't wait to meet with Rachelle again and hear all about the experience. And I can't wait to feel this way again, hopefully very soon (with Ethiopian laws, Rachelle and Josiah will have to go back in about 6 weeks to finalize the adoptions and bring home their babies), when I am anxiously awaiting their plane to touch down in Spokane -
with their children on it too! I may or may not get to be there to witness the epic moment, but there will be another day, very soon, that I will get to meet these precious children. Children so loved and prayed for. I CAN'T WAIT!
I had to share this with you because it has been such a journey of faith. For all of us that love Rachelle and Josiah. We have prayed and ached and begged God with them. Trusted Him and praised Him with them. Laughed and cried with them. I am thankful for their openness in this journey. God has used it to touch many lives. He is so GOOD and so FAITHFUL even when we don't understand what is going on. But now we get to CELEBRATE with them!!!