Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 2

We had a great second week here in Kennewick.  We are enjoying our family time and some decent weather.  I think we may have hit a park every single day.  Once with a long-time friend I haven't seen in a couple of years.  After about 10 years up in Alaska, she and her family recently moved back to Kennewick. It has been great to spend time with her and her 3-year old daughter!

I've learned a couple of things about being at the park. 1. It's hard to catch up with a friend while simultaneously watching two toddlers.  2. Parks are not exactly relaxing, especially when there are other kids around. Ronan tends to be one of the younger and smaller kids around and I want to let him independently explore but not get plowed over.  3. Ronan loves to run. He also loves to ignore me. This relates to point #2 about parks not being relaxing. Fun, yes, but it's usually nap time for both of us when we get home. :)

Patrick got off early a couple of afternoons so the 3 of us were able to have some fun together. I love when that happens!!!  We hit up the park at the Kennewick library. The library itself is beautiful, there is a good set of toys and the park itself is amazingly huge. Plus they have a variety of mini-gardens that are going to be really beautiful when everything starts blooming (I like to think of it as a mini-Manito Park).

Such a little man. I just love this new view of my back seat. :)

Exploring and bringing us "treasures"

Definitely not agreeing to this piggy back ride

He loves to watch the big boys on their Razors

Yes, it really is fun to follow the yellow brick road ;)
I know I will love looking back on this blog for all of it's random photos and snap shots into our daily life.  I always think I will be able to remember the details of Ronan growing up or why a particular day was so great. But I don't. I'm glad I realize that I can't possibly remember everything and that I have so many photos to jog my memory. Like how much Ronan loves playing with his cars and trucks. I'm sure he will be in this phase for awhile, but right now it is pretty new (and pretty cute!).  He also can't help but snuggle a soft blanket. :)

He quickly caved in to the snuggly goodness of this blanket :)

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