Aislinn is 1 month! Actually, she's 6 weeks already, holy cow. Like I did with Ronan, I want to take monthly photos of Aislinn for her first year. And of course we have to take monthly monkey photos. :)
Aislinn has been a sweet little addition to our world. At one month her life mostly consists of eating, sleeping and poo'ing and she's pretty good at it all. :) Which in all seriousness is really great - she's doing exactly what she should be. I usually give her a late night feeding and and early morning feeding with only one feeding in between. So really, I only have to get up once a night. Not too bad.
As I've shared before, she is the best little snuggler. Luckily, she has done pretty well at falling asleep on her own too. She loves to sleep with her arms up. Loves it! This comes as no surprise since we have an ultrasound picture of her with her arms up! Just now I looked over at her and (while asleep) had one hand straight up in the air. We like to say she is praising Jesus. :)
Her hair is really growing! And starting to look strawberry blond |
A couple of outtakes from our little session. Really, the last post I did was all outtakes too. :) This first picture cracks me up. Aislinn is sweetly sound asleep with no clue that her big brother is trying to "snuggle" her/accidentally pounce her while I'm barricading him.
When she's not deeply asleep, Aislinn sleeps with her left partially open. She's done that since the day she was born! Believe it or not she is actually asleep in this photo.