Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ro Speak

I posted this on Facebook earlier but I had to share here too. Ronan cracks me up. These videos totally sum up Ro's personality right now. Random conversations, "Roney" speaking of himself in the third person, potty talk, brushing his teeth Lightening McQueen  tow trucks, racing (oh my goodness, we race cars around the couch all day-favorite activity right now!)...Oh man, we love this boy! :)

While we're on the topic of random conversations with Ronan, I've been thinking it would be funny to document some of them here.  His number one phrase of the moment is "Yighting Mfween races and brote a wheel!" Translation: Lighting McQueen races and broke a wheel! You know, like the scene in the beginning of the Cars movie when Lightening refuses help from his pit crew and blows all his tires out right before he crosses the finish line... He literally tells us this story 15 times a day. He has only watched the movie a few times. Impressionable much? Oh, I think I have a video of this one actually. We partially caught it anyway and tried hard to get the full thing. Unfortunately this video does not properly show how emphatic he usually is when saying "brote a wheel."

Another great convo yesterday in the grocery store:
Me:   My nose is runny
Ro:    Mama's nose running and running and running and fall down?
Me:   Umm, no my nose didn't fall down...

1 comment:

Jaclyn Reed said...

SO hilarious I'm dying! :) hehehe - Can't wait to see him! And that Aisi bug is so so so cute!!! I just want to eat her! (P.S. are there enough exclamations in this post?)

Love Jac