Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Oh my goodness, this video will melt your heart. We just had to share it. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Ronan loves to jump - whether or not he's in his bouncer. Even when he's upset, the tears stop as soon as the jumping begins.  Ronan was jumping on Patrick's lap after his post-shots nap yesterday. As you can see, he was still one happy baby (at least until that night. Nothing that a little infant Tylenol, snuggles and a long night of sleep couldn't cure though). These are the best giggles we've ever had the pleasure of experiencing! Caution: Excessive bouncing and poor camera work/quality may cause nausea ;)


Rachelle said...

I don't know what made me laugh harder Patrick or Ronan:) It's so funny because after holding Ronan last night I can say that He's the one jumping really jumping not someone bouncing him! He's strong! :) This made me smile:)

Nikki said...

Thanks Rachelle! I thought the same thing about Patrick! They both make me laugh :)

Katie said...

hilarious! Amity has yet to let out belly laughs like this. She has done a BRIEF giggle here and there : ) I'll have to give this a try!

Ali Ty Stitt said...

I love this! love the interaction with his daddy...and seeing Patrick enjoying this moment with him! Thanks