Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break Happenings - Part I

It's been too long since our long post, but for many good reasons! Patrick had a week off for spring break and so we soaked up as much time together as possible.  During that week, we also got to hang out with my parents and meet our first nephew who was born on March 22. Keegan is a sweetie, so cute and los of red hair. We're all excited for Ronan and Keegan's adventures that lie ahead.

Camping out in the waiting room. They came prepared!

So sweet

Bouncing is especially fun with grandpa!

Keegan is clearly not as happy with this situation as Ronan is.

Patrick was SuperHubby while he was on break. He made up for lost time by doing lots of cooking and cleaning. We even got some spring cleaning done! He made awesome coffee cake muffins while my parents stayed with us. They were so good we ate them all. We were wishing for seconds, so he made them again the next day :)  Mmmm... I was kind of obsessed with them and so I took a lot of pictures. One of my favorite times with Patrick is breakfast and we got to savor each morning of his break.

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