I'm almost caught up on posts, at least for now. Some other pretty major things happened over our break. Ronan started eating solid foods! We started with rice cereal (and just today added bananas). He had no problems adjusting to the spoon, taste or texture and pretty much eats like a champ. So far, meal time is still not too messy, except when he tries to feed himself. Have we ever mentioned how independent this kid is? Starting with needing his personal playtime at just a few weeks, always facing out, trying to sit foward on his own at 3 months (instead of relaxing on us) and now trying to take the spoon for himself. We love seeing him grow in these ways, and it definitely makes our lives a little easier since he is so independent. But sometimes a mom just wants a snuggle. He indulges me occasionally; otherwise, I have to steal my snuggles.
Ronan also started rolling over! We haven't managed a snapshot of that yet and Patrick hasn't witnessed it because the rolls are few and far between. For awhile now he has been sleeping on his side (so cute) but he finally can get himself all the way over. And when he does, he pops his head up and gives us a huge grin (so, so cute).
This little guy cracks us up on a very regular basis. We are loving this age and all of the cuteness and personality coming out. |
Not only does Ronan have a new cousin, but he has a new friend! Our dear friends Toby and Marissa Broemmeling welcomed their second child, Harper Grace, on April 3rd. She is so precious and momma and baby are doing really well. Even big brother Wyatt seems to think she's pretty neat :)
Me, baby Harper, Marissa, Ronan and Ali |
Most pictures of Ronan are like this-slightly or completely blurry. Always bouncing. In his high chair. On the changing table. While nursing. While being held. Always bouncing. |
1 comment:
The picture of Patrick talking to Ronan when he is on your lap kills me! :) So cute...he is so aware of people communicating with him. And yay for high chair! :) He's a good one.
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