Monday, January 17, 2011


In the last 11 weeks we have learned a lot as parents, but there are a couple of lessons that a couple that definitely stand out so far and at times they are closely related:

1. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY OPPORTUNITY!  This weekend Patrick's parents came to visit to celebrate his birthday and give us a chance to go skiing.  It was a wonderful visit, but I have to admit that I was not looking forward to skiing. In fact I was pretty much dreading it (cold, wet, expensive, gear that doesn't fit right now and NFL playoff games is more than enough to convince me to stay home).  However, I convinced myself that I would do this for Patrick - being that it's close to his birthday and all  - and so we grabbed coffee and headed up to Mt. Spokane.  The conditions were pretty terrible and at first I was a little cranky, but then I realized that we had been given a wonderful opportunity to get outside and spend the day together.  We ended up having an awesome time and are truly thankful for the chance to spend the day together. 

2. THERE IS NO TIME FOR PROCRASTINATION!  Patrick and I have always been pretty good at making the most of life, but when it comes to procrastination, I am a master.  My parents will tell you procrastination has always been in my nature, and I think I really thrive on it. That rush of adrenaline got me through many late nights in college.  There are times though that I really dislike this feature of my personality and many times I have vowed to change. Well, what I lacked in resolution is now being made up for by a baby. It only took a couple of times of being burned (ie. unexpectedly short nap times) to realize that if Ronan is asleep, I act NOW!!! No more dragging my feet...And I must say, this new lifestyle is pretty great. The house stays clean, I actually work out and even have time for creative projects. It's been great!

Unfortunately we don't have any pictures from this weekend, but here are a few of a recent tummy time. Ronan loves this playmat, but definitely prefers to be on his back!

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