Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back to School

Well, our summer officially ended when Patrick heading back to school this week.  This year school is in the form of rotations, so he headed out to Davenport early Monday morning. I should have taken a "back-to-school" photo of him before he left, haha, just kidding. Instead, here are some photos of Ro in his handsome outfit. These rockin' shoes are hand-me-downs from Keegan. Unfortunately, this will be the one and only time he wears them; his feet are pretty squeezed in there.

Even though we miss having Patrick around, it's been nice getting into the groove of a normal schedule. Ronan's activity level seems to have skyrocketed, but so have the lengths of his naps :) It's win-win for me because he keeps me so entertained and then gives me a nice break to catch up.

Ronan started saying "mama" a couple weeks ago! Melts my heart. The next couple pictures are blurry, but I love them. He is saying "mama" as he crawls toward me and then makes this hilarious scrunchy face. love it.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


This indian summer has been amazing! It's just what we all needed I think :)  It is also the reason I am SO behind on the blog! We have been spending lots of time outside (our yard is thanking us) and together as a family before Patrick started his rotations. Greenbluff was calling my name, so we spent an afternoon up there last week. I just love Greenbluff and can't wait to go back when it cools down and actually feels like fall :)

Ronan thought the pumpkins were pretty cool- good for drumming.  He was far more interested in gigantic blow up ghost. Until he got close, then he clung to dad for dear life.

This sequence cracks us up, so you get to see a lot of photos :)  He loves playing with straws (and he can actually drink from them!) and for some reason he got really excited and started dancing. Oh my goodness, we love this personality!

A short little temper tantrum because mom needed a drink. Is it bad that I find this humorous?

Stop and Smell the Dahlias

Yep, sometimes you just have to stop all projects, get out of the house and stop and smell the roses...or in this case, the dahlias.  They are are SO beautiful!  I think they may be my all-time favorite flower. I just love the color, texture and size variety. In fact I have a beautiful all-dahlia bouquet on my kitchen table right now :)  ($5 at the Perry St. Farmer's Market, yes!)

Ronan fell asleep in the car, so Patrick snoozed with him while I enjoyed taking some photos.  They joined me after a bit. It was a perfect brake from all of our Craigslisting and basement project :)

little monkey

love that face

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Someone Loves...

the bathtub.  Even when it's not bathtime.

Someone loves that cute baby in the mirror :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For Sale

About a year and a half ago, my friend and I had a dream. We love to shop, we love vintage treasures, we love good deals, we LOVE The Farm Chicks show (and the like) and we love to spend time together. So we did the natural American thing and decided to combine all of this and try to make some money doing it.  We shopped, dreamed of what our finds could become and planned on becoming a vendor in one of the local antique/junk/farm shows. But life happened-specifically, pregnancy followed by loveable, yet time-consuming, dependent babies. Our commitment to this particular idea slipped on the priority ladder, but eventually we realized (with the aid of our husbands who wanted their garages back) we just needed to get rid of this stuff.  I refinished a few pieces (pics to come soon) and last weeked we had a Vintage Sale + Yard Sale. It was a fun day spent with friends and meeting some great neighbors. Yard sales are cool for that reason alone! Oh, and we sold a few things and made a little money :)

Lots of great deals ;)
Tea time using the merchandise :)

Our pint-sized diversions

I originally titled this blog post "Dream for Sale." A little depressing don't you think? Yes, I'm a little sad, but also relieved and very happy.  I hate to "give up" on a fun dream; however, I'm so glad for the reason it didn't work out this time. And the yard sale helped me realize how much work it would take to make it happen!  I also realized that it really is fun to refinish furniture and give it a new life.  So, I'll probably do a little of that once-in-a-while-as-I-feel-like-it-with-no-pressure. In the meantime, Marissa and I continue shopping together and relish being patrons instead of vendors :)

And I'll spend lots of time with these handsome fellas

Any day with these two is a good day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

County Fair

Ronan was given these boots by my parents almost exactly 2 months before he was born. I have SO looked forward to the day when he could wear them and we could go to the fair. Yesterday was the day! It's kind of silly, but I was so excited. Fairs usually don't do that for me.  We all donned our cowboy boots and met up with friends at the Spokane County Fair.  It was too hot for his wranglers, but Ro looked so stinkin cute anyway. :)  We forgot to get a family picture.  And I realized I need to take more photos of the adults in our lives! It's hard to remember when all of the kids are so cute!

Ronan was pretty tired the whole time. He did well, but was overwhelmed by everything especially the big animals.  He did like the horses though.  Possibly because they were in stalls instead of "free" like cows.


Ya, not so sure about those cows


He was brave here...it was the tortoise cage

In lieu of a family picture, you get to see these mugs ;)

If you've been to the fair, but haven't seen the hypnotist show, you really should check it out. It is really, really, really funny.  From our group, Patrick, Toby and a Jason all tried to be hypnotized, but only Jason was. It is so funny when you know someone on stage!

Some last minute fun just before we headed home and hit the sack. Yeehaw!