Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back to School

Well, our summer officially ended when Patrick heading back to school this week.  This year school is in the form of rotations, so he headed out to Davenport early Monday morning. I should have taken a "back-to-school" photo of him before he left, haha, just kidding. Instead, here are some photos of Ro in his handsome outfit. These rockin' shoes are hand-me-downs from Keegan. Unfortunately, this will be the one and only time he wears them; his feet are pretty squeezed in there.

Even though we miss having Patrick around, it's been nice getting into the groove of a normal schedule. Ronan's activity level seems to have skyrocketed, but so have the lengths of his naps :) It's win-win for me because he keeps me so entertained and then gives me a nice break to catch up.

Ronan started saying "mama" a couple weeks ago! Melts my heart. The next couple pictures are blurry, but I love them. He is saying "mama" as he crawls toward me and then makes this hilarious scrunchy face. love it.

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