Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Months!

10 Months!!!  Well, it has come and gone already and we're on our way to 11 months.  Ronan had a great doctors appointment - totally healthy baby boy! He's on the smaller side now: 50% for height and 25% for weight.  I was worried because he dropped so much in percentile, but the doctor assured me there is nothing to worry about.  I always have a slight twinge of fear before we head to the doctor. "What if today is the today we find out something is very wrong and our lives are forever changed?"  Silly thought, but it does happen.  I know better than to dwell on the unknown and unlikely, but in those brief moments I am reminded of what a blessing our health is.

Anyway...what a fun month this has been!  Patrick has been around all month and Ronan loves the time he gets to spend with daddy.  We've been spending lots of time out in the sunshine and with friends. 
  • Ronan spends hours exploring his world now that he is cruising around on all fours. He is surprisingly fast sometimes! Now that he can crawl, he likes to be right at our feet.  So sweet.
  • He especially enjoys his new views while standing with the support of furniture.  He has even ventured to take a couple of steps along a piece of furniture. I'm amazed at how quickly he learned to pull himself up and how well he controls himself to sit back down.  We still have "bonks" every day, but not as many as we expect.  I am still surprised sometimes to look across the room and see my little baby standing.  I think about who he was 10 months ago and now he has crawled to his desired location, pulled himself up and is dancing to the music! Craziness.  What a fun and amazing year of learning.
  • He's starting to enjoy walking with our help. It's a little awkward, but totally adorable and he is so proud of himself :)
  • Now that meat and cheese has hit the scene at mealtime, veggies have gone by the wayside. We make sure to get some in each day, but he really is not interested.  Time to get creative.
  • Speaking of food, Ronan likes stuff I can't even handle.  Sauerkraut? Spicy hummus? Spicy anything? Seriously.  Ro also likes anything someone else is eating. Does not matter what it is or if he just ate a huge meal 3 minutes ago. He has serious food envy.  His food envy elicits serious grunts and arm waving and if we do not respond, he throws in a little temper tantrum. It was pretty cute when he chased down a 3 year old with a Popsicle at the splash pad, but I imagine it will not be so cute we're at a restaurant and he wants the neighbor's food.  The upside to this little issue is that we get to feed him what we eat. I think it makes life a little easier that he actually wants to eat what we eat.
  • Ah, the temper. have I mentioned it before? Well, it came out in full force this month. Ronan is generally a very happy camper, but if he gets frustrated or does not get what he wants, the temper flares. It is quite amazing to witness something so innate and so innately bad. He really has not had the opportunity to learn this behavior and so it reminds me of our sin nature and how gracious God is to rescue us from our sin and provide us with the opportunity, through Christ's sacrifice, become more Christ-like and have the fruit of the Spirit in our lives (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).   I foresee many years (18ish for us, 80ish for Ro) of working through his temper and learning how to get it under control. It will be character building for all of us, I remind myself :)
Ronan really doesn't like to look at me when I'm trying to take photos, so I enlisted the help of dad. That is the only way we got a couple of shots of his face.  For this month, we'll go with side and back shots because that's just real life :)  And Mr. Monkey came outside for the side-by-side comparison, but before we took the photos, we went inside and promptly forgot about him.  Kohly thought we finally bought him a friend. Luckily I rescued Mr.Monkey before Kohly gave him too many "kisses" though now he is in the laundry.  So we'll get back to those photos this week...

A couple of funny faces

"Get me off of this thing!"

A common crawling face

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