Tuesday, February 8, 2011

3 Month Photos

Last week on one of those sunny, clear, incredibly cold days I took some "3 month" photos of Ronan.  The light in his room was great so I cranked up the heat and went for it.   Those ever-rounding red cheeks are evidence he was plenty warm.  We love those cheeks - perfect for kisses :) We lost some photos due to our memory card being corrupted, but there are still plenty to remember these sweet moments by.


Aunt Rachel gave Ronan this sweet monkey for Christmas. I dig the color. I wish I had taken a picture then when Mr. Monkey was actually longer than Ronan. He loves his new friend!


Jaclyn Reed said...

I love this little man! And I can't wait to see him soon :) Yay for me! Also... HILarious that he likes to eat Mr. Monkey's nose ;) He is TOO cute!

Katie said...

Adorable photos Nikki! My favorite is the last one - its a great shot!

P said...

Nice ones, a coupl-a monkeys there :)