Monday, February 28, 2011

Dream Come True

Six months ago was our first baby shower for Ronan. We received so many thoughtful gifts and adorable outfits.  Before he arrived, I loved dreaming about him wearing each little outfit, imagining what he might look like and what his personality would be like. It is so wild to see those dreams realized now. He is so much cuter, sweeter and engaging than I probably ever could have imagined.  It's just amazing to watch this little man grow each day and I'm so thankful to be here to witness it. It truly is a dream come true.

I could not wait for him to grow into this handsome outfit from our friend Robin. He's worn in a few times already, but I thought I better get some photos of him in it. Seeing it now full of life and chubby thighs and cheeks...oh how I'm in love. 

My new favorite photo. For now at least. what a sweetie.

Someone's getting very sleepy...

 Part 2: Post nap. Ronan is now awake enough to realized he hates the hat.

He was doing stationary jumping jacks in most of these photos, making them blurry. I love the smile in his eyes so I had to share with you.

Meanwhile, I have to work around this handsome pup. He's always right under foot. Kohly is doing really well with Ronan. He typically ignores him except for the occasional diaper sniff. :)

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