Happy Love Day! I suppose I could take or leave this holiday, but I don't mind an excuse to spend some time with my loves. My mom always made this a special day with decorations, a fancy meal, sweet treats and a gift. I love that idea - celebrating love as a family. I appreciated her efforts then and I do even more now. I'm excited for our family to grow and to establish similar memories and traditions.
I'm trying to read through the Bible this year and ironically I landed on 1 Corinthians 13 today, the "Love Chapter." The love verses are beautiful but even more so in the context Paul is using them. Essentially what he's saying is that without love, I am nothing. I could have faith that moves mountains, give away all of my possessions or have all of the knowlege in the world, but without having love, it means nothing. Loving is hard. It's hard enough sometimes to truly love those who love me, much less those who don't know me, care about me or even don't like me. I have been praying for a long time now that God would give me His love for other people. Because He knows, I know (and probably anybody I know knows) that apart from His power and grace I just can't do it. The great thing though, is that there is so much power in His love. When I see other people as God does, it is the greatest motivation for serving, giving and sacrificing for other people. And for speaking in boldness about His love offering to us-Jesus Christ-who died for our sins and was resurrected so that we, I, can have an eternal relationship with Him. Wow. I will always be humbled by His love for me and I will continue to pray that he will give me even a fraction of that kind of love for other people.
A fun V-day garland I made at our art night from a friends scraps |
This is also a special day because a year ago today we found out we were pregnant with Ronan! Our plans to go out for sushi were suddenly changed to Thai. :) And now, one year later, I have a new valentine!
Yes, baby boy, mommy & daddy do love you. Very much. |
A very talkative boy today! |
Thanks for the bib Grandma J! |
Nikkster - he is so cute! I just can't get enough of him...and your decorations are awesome :) I love you guys!
Loved your Love Post! I love having friends like you:) God often uses You to inspire me Nikki:)
Talk about CUTE~little Mr. Reed!!
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