Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ronan really likes music, singing and dancing. He even participates with his own singing and dancing. I love it!  He shakes his head when I sing to him (by the way, I never realized how much I shake my head when I sing to him; apparently he is copying me), he has started to rock back and forth to music and just the other day I heard someone keeping a beat to the song we were listening to. Even though it was just the two of us, my first thought was that it was Patrick. Crazy! It may have been a coincidence, but it was pretty surprising to hear the beat coming from my 8 month old. I have always hoped Ronan would inherit his dad's musical genes because I don't have any!

I'm going to try for more video, but for now I thought this was cute to share. He was really rockin' out before the video started and then my camera battery died just when he started singing. Of course.

I heard from a lot of you that video from this post weren't working. They should be working now.

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