Friday, July 22, 2011

We're enjoying having Patrick home again! Everyday life is just sweeter when we're a family again. I most definitely appreciate the help around the house and with Ronan! And the support for Ronan's recent middle-of the night *issues*. I don't know, what should I call them?  Another tooth coming through (#5!)...adjusting to sleeping at home again...growing pains...bad habits... We've had a few weeks worth of bad nights; mostly, I think, due to all of our traveling. It takes a few days for him to adjust once we get home and then we hit the road again. Last night we got back on track with a full 8 hours (11 for Ro)!! Sweet. Hopefully we're back to normal.

We had a mix up and don't have the seat we've been using for dinners outdoor. We were given this hight chair so we drug it out of the garage - and by we I mean Patrick - and tested it out tonight. Ronan loved it. King of his domain! His legs were a-kickin'.  He also LOVED this fish we had for dinner. Good news for us since we love it too :)

Legs crossed, just chillin'

I love that sweetness

Last night we went on a walk. We're aspiring to run a little this summer...we'll see.  Even though I work out regularly, he still kicks my but running. Those long legs. Ronan and Kohly don't care either way. They just love to go.  We enjoy living near High Drive because it is such a beautiful view.  

Love that crooked smile. The other two top teeth are on their way!

Ronan has his own ways of getting around these days. No crawling yet, but usually a lot of rolling and pinwheels. He's starting to push himself backward a lot. Today I put him in the middle of the rug and within 30 seconds he was at the front door. As you can see from this video, he is getting pretty frustrated with his inability to get where he wants to be. He's working on it though...only a matter of weeks then lookout world!

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