Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random Projects

I'm in the mood to work on some things again, so I'm chipping away at my list.

I was tired of looking at this:

So I did this:

Holds Patrick's miscellaneous stuff. Probably our 6th attempt in so many years to find a home for it

Left over fabric from our shower curtain and a covered oatmeal container.  Not perfect, but better :)

Seriously. This is what I have to deal with when I'm working on projects. If he's not ON my project, then he's usually laying right behind me on the couch. Silly kitty.

I have a few other things I'm working on...I may post photos.  Speaking of projects, have you checked out Pinterest? It's a fun way to get inspired and store ideas you find online.  Let me know if you want an invite!

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