** I actually wrote this post at the 4-month mark and took the photos a few days later. Just a little behind in getting it posted.**
Wow, here we are at 4 months. I really can hardly believe it. It almost seems a lifetime ago that Aislinn was born and yet I almost expect her to always be our itsy-bitsy little newborn. Of course, she's still pretty itsy-bitsy, but getting so big! That makes sense right? She measured at 11 lbs, 14 oz (10th%) and 23.75" long (25th%).
We adore all of Aislinn's sweet little features and especially her beautiful smile. It just melts our hearts. This month has been full of smiles as she has really begun interacting with everyone around her. She just loves when we talk and smile with her. And even at this young age, it is clear that Ronan has a special place in her heart. It's clear to see by the look in her eyes that she adores him. Her first real laughs were in response to him saying "done, done, done, done, done" over and
over. It's the perfect set up for a big brother who likes to perform and a little sis who likes to laugh.
Aislinn started sleeping in their nursery at the beginning of this month. It is actually going pretty well. They sleep through each other's cries for the most part and she has begun sleeping through the night pretty consistently.
**I should add that at the time of posting, this is not going so well! Ronan has been waking up a lot lately. For the most part, Aislinn sleeps through his cries, but it is a light sleep and she seems to wake up shortly after wanting to eat. I feel more sleep deprived now then when she was a newborn!
As I've mentioned before, Aislinn began rolling over this month. She seems to really enjoy just hanging out on her side. She doesn't yet roll back over from her stomach to her back (except for that time when she was 5 weeks old!) so after some time, she gets pretty frustrated with being on her tummy. She also really like playing on her play mat, talking with her "friends" and grabbing the little rings.
Aislinn's beautiful blanket was made by our friend Sheena. Isn't it gorgeous?
I love this shot. She was so tired and ticked off, but doesn't she look like a little ballerina? |