Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 18, 2012 l Ronan

The photo didn't happen today. It was a busy, busy day. Patrick took his PA certification test (woohoo!!). I filled up most of the day so I wouldn't sit around and worry and then we had the chance to go out and celebrate that evening (thanks, Enslows!!!). It was a great day and one we've been looking forward to for a very long time.

Here is a photo from a couple of days ago.  Ronan has begun asking for a snack before bedtime. This is a new thing, and since it's usually on nights when dinner was early, I've been allowing him to have one. He is also taking seriously long naps, so I'm pretty sure we're talking about a growth spurt here. I love how he pulled up his stool and sat at the coffee table.

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