Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Magnets and Monkeys

Ronan discovered the awesomeness of magnets today. These magnets are pretty strong and almost leap to be together. I was going to use one of these for his photo-a-day project, but there were just too many good ones.  Everytime the magnets snapped together, he would squat down and raise them up to his face. It was such a random act of excitement. Then he proceeded to dancing. I love this kid. I love experiencing the world through his eyes and sharing joy over new discoveries.

Meanwhile, Aislinn is just loving all over her friends.  She especially likes the monkey with the bumpy little ring. It must feel good on her gums.  She is at the stage where her hand-eye coordination is surprisingly good. She is able to get most toys into her mouth and likes to take her binky out and try to get it back in. She also loves to reach up and touch our faces when we talk to her. It is so sweet!

Ronan is great about sharing with Aislinn.  She thinks trains are pretty cool too! :)

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