Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6, 2012 l Ronan

I'm going to cheat again today and post two pictures. I'm sure no one will mind. :)

Another morning tradition of ours is dragging Ronan's chair into the living room so he can eat his peanut butter toast and milk while we drink our coffee.  I like to think of it as a tradition instead of laziness on my part, but the truth is that I'm just too tired to sit on a hard dining chair instead of the couch. So he joins us in the living room for breakfast before moving on to play with his trains.

Ronan loves his pb toast. So do we for that matter. This particular morning, he decided he liked the pb and not the toast. So that was messy. :)

Later in the afternoon I took the kids and met up with my mom, grandma, aunt and cousin. While i took senior photos of my cousin, Ronan got to run around with his "Hammie" (grandma). For some reason in the middle of this wide-open courtyard he decided to just sit. I love this shot. I may have to return to this spot for Ronan's 2-year photos.

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