I'm going to speak for Patrick and say that he had a good Father's Day. ;) I'm pretty sure he was thrilled to spend a relaxing day together as a family. Ronan and Aislinn are so blessed to have such a loving, smart, fun, resourceful*, Godly man as their father and role model. And I am incredibly thankful that he is my man and we get to do this parenting thing together. :)
*and by resourceful, I mean Renaissance Man, also known as a polymath, a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. Thanks Wikipedia for teaching me something new today.

My dad came up to help us out with a variety of things so we got celebrate Father's Day morning with him and my brother who stopped by. Three of my favorite dads in one place (we missed Papa Mark). Thank you Dad for coming up and serving
us on
your weekend! I must say that Patrick and I, and of course Ro and Ais, having two pretty awesome dads/papas to look up to. Patrick thinks Mother's Day/Father's Day are just commercial holidays (and maybe they are) but I'm glad for the opportunity to reflect on how blessed and impacted we are by the great dads in our lives.
After breakfast, it was just the four of us for the first time in 3 weeks. That's a long time! We had so much amazing help while we were in the hospital and then while we transitioned at home. I think it was the perfect day and perfect timing to ease back into our normal daily routines. We spend the afternoon/evening out and about, ending with a picnic at Manito.
Ro's initiation to Angry Birds (I love that this sequence of photos all happened within about 30 seconds) |
Ro's favorite new activity...balancing on daddy |
Love, love, love! :)
Hooooray for a great day:)
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